Show the clinics offering Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening - overview

Do you want a brighter smile? When it comes to teeth whitening, you have two options: in-office whitening and home care. Both tooth whitening options use a peroxide-based bleach. Home systems contain 3% – 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxide). In-office systems includes 15% – 43% peroxide. In general, the longer you leave the strong solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth will be. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the bleaching solution, the less time you apply it to your teeth. Leaving the gel on for too long can dehydrate your teeth and make them more sensitive. Each option has its pros and cons, but always consult your dentist before trying any at-home teeth whitening kit.Not everyone sees good results. Bleaching does not whiten porcelain crowns or tooth-colored composites.

In-office whitening

Also called chairside bleaching or internal bleaching, this procedure usually takes the dentist 1-2 hours. Your dentist will apply a protective gel to your gums or a gum shield to protect them. Then, under professional supervision, apply the bleach to your teeth and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Whitening is performed 2-3 times during an outpatient visit. IO bleaching is often offered with or without LED lamps and heat, and costs accordingly. Standard whitening alone starts at £250-300 for local offices in the UK, and £450 using LED lamps or heat. A thorough rinse follows. The procedure is similar to AT-Home bleaching.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Options

There are many ways to whiten your teeth at home, but here are the most popular:

  • Teeth whitening strips and gel. These peroxide-based tooth whitening products are applied directly to the teeth using a brush or thin strips and usually he should apply them once or twice a day for 10-14 days. Results last over 4 months.
  • Splint-based teeth whitening system. This teeth whitening option involves filling a mouthguard-like tray with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste and placing it on your teeth for one to several hours each day for up to four weeks. You can buy a tray-based teeth whitening system over-the-counter or have it customized by your dentist.
  • Teeth Whitening Toothpaste: Because it is slightly abrasive, any toothpaste will help remove stains from your teeth.However, whitening toothpaste contains chemicals that help remove stains from your teeth without the aid of bleaching agents. It also contains substances or abrasives. Teeth whitening toothpastes are relatively inexpensive and will whiten your teeth by about one step. Some whitening toothpastes contain peroxide, but it doesn’t stay on teeth long enough to produce a whitening effect.

Is it worth having your teeth whitened at the dentist?

Professional teeth whitening is safe, effective, and done under the supervision of a dentist. In most cases, a visit to the dentist is worthwhile for long-term, safe results. Yes, teeth whitening is very safe when done properly. With a short and convenient consultation, you can get white teeth that look and feel refreshed.

Professional teeth whitening at the dental office is done using strong bleaching agents. Whitening gels contain much higher concentrations of peroxide than commercial whitening gels. A significant change in tooth color in a short time with the help of a special laser beam is a great advantage of real tooth whitening. This protocol involves the carefully controlled use of a relatively high concentration of peroxide bleaching gel applied to the teeth with the help of a dentist. During the procedure, bleach is applied to the teeth and a protective gel is applied to protect the gums from chemical stress. A laser is often used to activate the whitening gel and further enhance the brightness of the teeth. Not only does it whiten your teeth better than other methods, it also lasts longer.
Usually peroxide remains on the teeth for intervals of about 15-20 minutes, but in total he can be up to an hour. Patients with particularly stubborn tooth stains may be advised to return for one or more additional teeth whitening sessions or asked to continue their home teeth whitening regimen.In-office whitening ZOOM is often used. Overall, a recent study showed higher satisfaction among patients who had their teeth whitened. His 69% of these patients were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the results. On the other hand, 42% of patients who used DIY home whitening kits were satisfied with poor results or sensitive teeth.

How much does professional teeth whitening cost?

In 2019, the cost of an in-office teeth whitening procedure in the UK and US ranges from $650 to $1000 in the US and around £650 in the UK. Laser light treatments tend to be more expensive due to high demand.The cheapest in-office options include hygienic treatments (scaling and polishing) – £60-70 – unfortunately for the original teeth The next thing that will cost you is a regular IO whitening with a gel kit. It costs. However, in different parts of the world, the cost may be significantly reduced. In Poland, teeth whitening price starts from merely 120 GBP, so the difference is huge.

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