Show the clinics offering Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation - what is it?

Breast augmentation surgery, commonly known as breast augmentation or boob surgery, is cosmetic surgery to increase the size of a woman’s breasts. This usually involves the placement of breast implants, but such enlargements can also result from transferring their own fat to the breasts. Breast augmentation plastic surgery is a very private and intimate surgery that helps women gain confidence, beauty and comfort. The majority of patients choose breast implants for cosmetic surgery for purely cosmetic and aesthetic reasons, but there are also women who regain their femininity through implants – this is concerning for women with a certain breast conditions, such as nosebleeds. they have asymmetrical breasts, have undergone a mastectomy, or have a breast deformity. What are breast implants made of? They are made of silicone gel or saline gel. What can be achieved with breast implants?

  • Improve the appearance of breasts
  • Increase breast size
  • Get the breast shape you want
  • Make breasts firm and lift
  • Correct any asymmetry or distortion
  • Build women’s confidence and self-esteem.

Types of breast implants

Patients may hear about different types of breast augmentation surgery, but it often focuses on different types of breast implants. In general, a plastic surgeon outlines all breast augmentation surgery options and chooses one that meets all patient expectations and is anatomically appropriate. Breast implants are classified according to the following characteristics:

  • Gel-filled implants: silicone breast implants and saline solution
  • Implant coverage: textured and smooth breast implants
  • Shape: anatomical breast implants (called teardrop implants) and round breast implants
  • Configuration: low profile, moderate profile, high profile and ultra high profile
  • Size: 125cc to 700cc (most common size is 500cc breast implant)
  • Brands: The most popular and high-quality brands are Allergan, Sientra, and Mentor (referred to as memory gel implants).

Breast implants - procedure

How long does breast augmentation surgery take? On average, the surgery takes 1 to 2 hours. When surgery is combined with other procedures, for example. Liposuction or breast augmentation, of course, takes longer. The steps to perform breast augmentation surgery are as follows:

Anesthesia – breast augmentation is always performed in a generalized form; Anesthesia is performed in the operating room and the patient is monitored by an anesthesiologist throughout the surgery.

Incision – the surgeon has several options for incision – there may be an incision through the armpit (in the armpit), an incision under the breast (under the breast, above the fold) or an incision around the areola (around the areola). nipple). Factors that affect incision site include patient anatomy, extent of enlargement, type of implant, and surgeon preference. Regardless of the incision location, the surgeon always tries his or her best to make it in such a way that over time it will naturally hide in a fold or fold.

Implant placement – after the incision is complete, the surgeon will insert the breast implant into a submuscular pocket (underneath the muscle) or a subglandular pocket (above the muscle and behind the breast tissue). This approach is always discussed with the patient prior to surgery.

Closing the incision – after the implant is placed, the surgeon closes the incision in the breast tissue with multi-layered sutures. Incisions in the skin are closed with sutures, surgical tape, or skin glue. Once the incisions are closed, the operation is complete and the patient is transferred to the postoperative room. Patients wake up soon after surgery, but they have to stay in the hospital for a night to be monitored. In the meantime, a surgeon gives them all recovery and post-operative care instructions. Most patients are ready to leave the clinic the next day, however, if needed, they may be asked to stay longer.

Are breast implants safe?

Breast augmentation was once considered a cosmetic surgery that can lead to serious complications. Over the past few decades, the media has warned about so-called breast implant disease (BII) or silicone implant leaks, and many women have noticed symptoms of silicone implant leakage after surgery. art. However, nowadays, women should never consider breast implants as a “time bomb” that can cause damage at any time. The implant brands have been developed and improved greatly, the surgical methods being used today minimize the risk of complications, thereby answering the question “Is breast augmentation surgery safe? are not?” we can definitely say yes, it’s a very safe surgery. It is the most popular cosmetic surgery for women worldwide, and today’s implants, surgical devices, surgical procedures, and incisions are safe by themselves. To feel even more comfortable and safe, women should find a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation – when the surgery is done carefully and correctly, the risk of complications increases. significantly reduced.

Breast augmentation effects

How does breast augmentation work? How long do the results last? These are very common and very important questions. Basically, the results of surgery are immediate, but due to swelling and bruising, the effect of natural breast implants will be apparent after recovery, which is about 2 months. When it comes to breast surgery scars, patients don’t need to worry about them – a skilled plastic surgeon will make incisions in places that will naturally hide scars in the future (e.g. in creases). wrinkles or natural wrinkles). In addition, scars fade naturally over time, so even very prominent scars become less noticeable in the future, so scarring is not a problem for the patient. core. In terms of longevity, breast implants are designed to last at least 10 years. Whether silicone or saline implants, they are very durable and when all goes well, they can last even 20 years or more. Women can prolong the life of their implants by following a few simple steps, for example, not smoking, avoiding sun exposure, or maintaining a healthy weight. There is a repeated stereotype about implants that they need to be replaced every 10-15 years. This is not true, and modern brands of implants are vastly improved and much more durable than they used to be. There are women who need breast implant replacement after 15 to 20 years, but there are also women who only have breast implants once in their life. It’s very individual, but when women follow the long-term recommendations given by their surgeons, they can enjoy their perfect breasts for years.

How long do breast implants effects last?

The minimum lifespan of breast implants is 10 years. However, for most women, the implants are in perfect condition after 10 years so there is no need for surgical replacement of the implants. The average life expectancy of implants is 20 years, but that doesn’t mean every woman will need to change her breast implant after that. Replacement is only necessary when breast implants fail to perform functionally and esthetically. Some women may need to have their implants removed after a few years and others may not need them at all. How do I know when my implants need to be replaced? Symptoms that indicate breast implant removal include:

  • implant hardening: especially the development of capsular contracture and hardening of the scar tissue around the implant; it can lead to sharp pain, tenderness and change in the shape of the breast;
  • saline rupture: once this happens, the implant will deflate, the saline will leak from the inside causing the breasts to lose their original shape and size;
  • silicone rupture: much more difficult to detect because the silicone gel is very dense and the leak can go unnoticed; symptoms of ruptured silicone include pain, numbness, burning, swelling, changes in sensation, changes in breast size;
  • Ripples: This occurs when the implant develops ripples or wrinkles, these changes can be detected and observed;
  • repositioning: it can be caused by weight loss or weight gain or by aging.

When in doubt, women should consult a plastic surgeon to check if they need to have their implants removed. In general, the cost of replacing breast implants is higher than the cost of the original breast augmentation surgery. Also, it depends on the type of surgery as women can only have their implants removed, replaced, or removed by lifting.

The cost of breast enlargement

What is the cost of breast augmentation surgery? This is a very general question, but I try to give women a rough idea of ​​how much breast augmentation surgery will cost in the UK. The bottom line is that many clinics share breast implant prices on one price list, so the final price may vary slightly. The average cost of breast implants in the UK is £5,500, but total breast implant costs range from £4,500 to her £8,000. While this range is quite wide, there are several factors that influence price and knowledge that help patients make very rational and well-considered decisions.

Breast Augmentation Abroad

Having breast implants abroad is an attractive alternative for women looking for breast augmentation surgery. When women can’t afford surgery in their home country or the NHS can’t afford them surgery, overseas breast implant packages are definitely a great option. The main advantages of having plastic surgery abroad are:

  • affordable cost – cheap breast implants abroad can cost £2,000-3,000 abroad, much cheaper than in the UK or US;
  • no waiting lists – private clinics are always available, usually no problem arranging breast surgery in the same or next month;
  • privacy – a surgery abroad ensures maximum privacy and secrecy;
  • vacation – surgery abroad offers the opportunity to combine an enjoyable and relaxing holiday with breast implant surgery;
  • an experienced surgeon – thanks to a much lower cost, the patient has the opportunity to have surgery by a world-class surgeon.

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